The One-Legged Drunk- redrank
Date: Tuesday, 1st April 2014 @ 11:41:57 AM AEST
Topic: Sad Poetry

Contributed By: invierno

Ain't nuthin' nastier n' a one-legged drunk.
Hurling insults to match tossed shots;
A small man protected by his handicap-
Disability wrapped as an immunity cape.
He lost more than his leg that fateful night;
Pride and decency washed away with the blood,
A bitter bite.
Tiny and clawing, pettily raging,
drunk and abusive most every night.
No one can tame him, who would beat on him?
Dredges we are,
We take it the same; poor as we are,
we all have our legs.
Yes, manhood lost, what little 'twas fore
mobility cost...accident's toll-
Gone a leg and car, along with his soul;
Drunken before, given over to crass,
A lout less before, one-legged now more;
A light breeze can bend a thin blade of grass.

This poem is Copyright © invierno

If you wish to use any poem for any purpose, please either EMAIL Mick from
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This poem comes from Your Poetry Dot Com

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