The Blade
Date: Tuesday, 4th March 2014 @ 12:25:42 AM AEST
Topic: Sad Poetry

Contributed By: unknown_utopia

Your words are like daggers
you use them to cut me deep
keeping me off balance
on the ledge of emotional frustration,
you whisper to me sensually
pulling me back in
then the pleasure quickly turns into pain
as you say something hurtful again.

you're looking into my eyes
as you twist the blade in deep
I stagger in confusion
my heart cracks and breaks,
While the blood of my love flows
and you see the life in my eyes fade
I wonder what do you feel
when you say the things you're saying.

I see the words form
then exploding
as you hit a nerve again
You say you don't mean it
still you keep pushing the blade in,
I think you drink from the cup
that my blood flows into
and If you"re a monster
It's the one that I created.

This poem is Copyright © unknown_utopia

If you wish to use any poem for any purpose, please either EMAIL Mick from
the sites feedback form, or go to the AUTHOR'S site and EMAIL the author for permission.
If you Email Mick for permission on any poem that is not his personal works,
he will endeavor to contact the author on your behalf.

This poem comes from Your Poetry Dot Com

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