To spend the rest of my life with you...
Date: Sunday, 5th January 2014 @ 08:38:29 AM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: holderofthestone
Through all of the hardships
You’ve stood right by my side
You’ve always been there for me
And made sure we never failed
You took the time to know me
When others turned their backs
You helped me learn and grow
And often taught me yourself
You’ve been my strength
You’ve been my shoulder
You’ve been my companion
You’ve been my soul mate…
When we made our commitments
For our new life
Our promises…
I knew that I had found my reason
My reason to learn
To live
To love…
And though I believed that to be the best day ever…
Everyday with you means even more than the last
Everyday with you in my life
Is the greatest day of my life…
You love me unconditionally
You open my eyes to a whole new world
You give me hope
And joy
And passion…
And yet through all of this
You give me the best gift of all
You are the reason my heartbeats
The reason I breathe
The reason I do anything…
Its all for you…
In some faint hope
That I can begin to repay
Everything you do for me…
And I know
I can never equal
All that you have given me…
So I make you this promise
I vow to you my love...
That I will spend every single second
Of every single day...
For the rest of my life...
Trying to make each day of your life
A little more perfect…
I swear my heart and soul to you forever…
This poem is Copyright © holderofthestone
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