Searching for myself and more...
Date: Saturday, 9th November 2013 @ 04:01:30 PM AEST
Topic: Sad Poetry

Contributed By: holderofthestone

My thoughts on love were jaded
I felt like it had given up on me
Remembering both good and bad
Still living in painful memories
Always blaming hating dwelling
Stuck in days of long ago
Not realizing the damage caused
By not being able to just let go

I've made some bad decisions
My fair share throughout my years
I made some laugh smile and love
And then some I've made shed tears
I've lied and was untrue before
And I have suffered for it all...
I had my life swept from under me
And somehow I survived the fall

I had given up on finding love
Accepting misery is what I get
But then you came back into my life
A day I never will forget
You contacted me and opened up
I still can't believe what you said
You left me there only able to stare
The words still echo in my head...

With saying so few words to me
I saw a new chance at happiness
Something I thought I'd never find again
And was really beginning to miss
I saw hope of brighter days ahead
And forgetting about what had been
Just give in and just let go...
Not afraid how this time would end

We talked and listened and learned
And each had heartache in our past
lives and families we planned upon
That fell apart and didn't last
Time and pain and sadness
We both suffered in our own ways
Not knowing they'd fall apart
We had held on for brighter days

I see where I had made my errors
Those mistakes i won't forget
They are the parts of me I hate
The only parts that I regret
I made a promise to myself
To never be that man again
I barely made it through before
I don't want to relive that pain

I've grown so much as I've aged
Searching for myself and more
I've learned With each passing day
Just what I've been searching for
I need someone who understands me
I need to be appreciated too...
I need someone who I can take care of
I need someone who's just like you

I know what you have been through
And the pain you have endured
I know what they said and did
How you were treated was absurd
You won't get that way with me
We both want a different life
Then what we were accustomed to
Filled with burden anger and strife

I'm not asking for your blind love
Let me earn that back from you dear
Hear my words see my actions
Feel it when I hold you near
And as it grows in both of us
And burns wild out of control
It will feel right to give in to it
And let it engulf our heart and soul

This poem is Copyright © holderofthestone

If you wish to use any poem for any purpose, please either EMAIL Mick from
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If you Email Mick for permission on any poem that is not his personal works,
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This poem comes from Your Poetry Dot Com

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