Holding you through the night...
Date: Friday, 8th November 2013 @ 01:58:44 PM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: Holderofthestone
Awake through out the night
Chasing moments of unconscious release
I lay so close to you
As you run through dreams
Holding your shell in my arms
Yet you couldn't be farther away
As light from digitalized broadcasts
Cast shadows and hues upon you
They remind me through the darkness
Of the perfection that you are
I see you in random flashes
As light comes and goes
And all I receive from you
Is a secure feeling of love
And an occasional turn seeking new comfort,
As the rise and fall of your breathing
Sets the pace like a metronome
To my sleepless night
Just laying here
With all my dreams in my arms...
This poem is Copyright © Holderofthestone
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