Best defence class 101
Date: Saturday, 5th October 2013 @ 06:07:16 AM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: banjosandwitch
Best defence class 101
The best defence is a crazy one
Would an attacker, attack a nut, no
So in a darkened alley, go mental
If followed home, go all Gollum
The nuttier the better, the safer you’ll be
Talk to yourself
Point to an imaginary friend
Send your attacker around the bend
Think nutty, go gimp, go Chunk
I’ll go rob or murder another, they will think
And leave you the freak alone
Thinking that dude is dangerous
That girl is a psycho
Get on their bike and go
The best defence is a nutty one
Be safe, go crazy stupid
By banjosandwitch 04/10/13
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