Date: Saturday, 14th September 2013 @ 08:27:42 AM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: spike

I take your perfume to my mouth,
roll it on my tongue
taste you in your regions, and
elicit songs unsung
I covet all your movement,
the rolling of the hips
the rise and fall of ample breasts,
the licking of your lips
I want to hold you to me,
feel your trembling pulse
strip you down to basics
your lust and little else
to feel your limbs beneath me,
nails in my back
staccato beating of your heart,
a sensual attack
I’ll growl at the crescendo,
you’ll whimper at the peak
then lie fatigued in scent and sweat
and forget that we can speak.
This poem is Copyright © spike
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