I Wrote To You
Date: Tuesday, 10th September 2013 @ 04:36:30 PM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: scentless_flower
It isn't my fault my love.
I was born with a heart that works like an old camera.
Every time the shutter blinks it takes a black and white image.
There is this side of me my love.
It is a side you never see.
It torturingly drowns me in sorrow, in insecurities and pain.
A tormenting fear of heartache, of wallowing loneliness, of shattered hopes and broken promises.
That is the black in my pictures.
There is this side of me my love.
It is a side i often showed.
It always aches for flowers, for holding hands and fingers intertwined.
A burning desire for passionate kisses, for walking in the rain and jumping childishly in water puddles.
That is the white in my pictures.
And just like that, in black and white, all of the world is now imprinted on my heart.
But you, you don't belong with those.
You've shown me a galaxy of colors full of universes of hope.
And those my love, those simply do not fit in any Polaroid.
This poem is Copyright © scentless_flower
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