Another Sunday Stroll
Date: Sunday, 1st September 2013 @ 09:42:17 PM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: lostrelic
Empty as this glass learning, suspended on broken promises.
Lifting words of courage bouncing off the TV screen.
Passion left by the road side as people walk with hands needing to be felt.
Along a Sunday stroll.
Gifts of newborn insights are left crying in second hand strollers.
Timetables matching the periodic elements mashing chemical romances.
Bands playing old forgotten songs on drums left by their ancestors.
Mimicking the sounds of today with the anger of tomorrow.
Couples signing affidavits, defining their love by material possessions.
Fighting over closet space and facebook pokes.
Ex lovers and a bottle of wine left for comfort.
We're only friends hangs on hung up phones.
Such wisdom in the keys of a keyboard given with proper hands.
Left for interpretation as the words that lay before you.
All this again on my Sunday stroll.
Walking home is always such sweet sorrow as reflective rays sparkle off contrail clouds.
Leaving images of a nuclear tomorrows with only a Fukushima throw away.
News promising puppies while leaving out the meat within the meal.
Reruns sporting nike kicks in faded cross training commercials.
Fluff for breakfast lunch and dinner, a spoonful of GMO corn syrup to make the medicine go down.
To make the ignorance go down .
All on my Sunday stroll.
This poem is Copyright © lostrelic
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