Traded Your Soul....
Date: Friday, 2nd August 2013 @ 02:49:10 PM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: RussellReinhardt
Oh my word who was to know.
I called you today what little interest you show.
What has taken higher priority?
Than little BB is she now also the minority?
Who gave you the authority?
That's just fine and dandy.
Go exercise your right to be randy!
Just remember your final promise!
Well you can leave it, that I won't miss.
For what you have done.
Tossed us away like a stale bun.
Two promises you broke.
Your tears will come and you won't feel a comforting stroke.
Down your cheek your tears will roll.
And you will know you traded your soul.
Yes for your pleasure with a younger man.
And in the end he to will you damn.
One day when you're all alone.
Don't be hasty to cast a stone.
Remember it was you.
Who longed for the new.
And yes when you again long for us.
My dear darling remember twas you who put us on the bus.
To go live far away from you.
To start alone a life anew.
But after all in closing I must say.
Yes darling in our hearts you'll stay.
Yes and who will ever know?
If we'll take you back and love to you we'll show.
This poem is Copyright © RussellReinhardt
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