This Boy; This Girl
Date: Saturday, 6th July 2013 @ 06:25:23 PM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: maynichole
This boy, so beautiful, walks by everyday.
He has no idea how much she wants to say:
"I love you.
I'm yours.
You need only but to ask."
But her wishes go unspoken
And he goes walking silently past.
Their eyes meet.
She shudders.
She can see into his soul -
Into his eyes of brown and green and gold.
Though they meet for only a second,
He has her in his trance,
And he hasn't a clue -
She's his.
She was his from the moment she saw him.
She was his from the moment he breathed.
But still she sighs -
He's not hers.
This wonderful boy - how could he know?
Would he even believe?
Does it show?
But she doesn't believe.
He's so amazing, he could do anything.
Why her? How?
There's no way.
She believes that's what he'll say.
She believes this 'til she cries.
She cries 'til this she believes.
Then she remembers:
His eyes.
Their look;
Their shared second of contact;
Their infinite touch.
His eyes meet hers; and hers meet his.
Lies cannot be told through the soul.
She cannot lie to herself when the deepest part of her knows:
"He's mine."
* * *
This girl, so beautiful, walks by everyday.
She has no idea how much he wants to say:
"I love you.
I'm yours.
You need only but to ask."
But his wishes go unspoken
And she goes walking silently past.
Their eyes meet.
He shudders.
He can see into her soul -
Into her eyes of green and copper and gold.
Though they meet for only a second,
She has him in her trance,
And she hasn't a clue -
He's hers.
He was hers from the moment he saw her.
He was hers from the moment she breathed.
But still he sighs -
She's not his.
This wonderful girl - how could she know?
Would she even believe?
Does it show?
But he doesn't believe.
She's so amazing, she could do anything.
Why him? How?
There's no way.
He believes that's what she'll say.
He believes this 'til he cries.
He cries 'til this he believes.
The he remembers:
Her eyes.
Their look;
Their shared second of contact;
Their infinite touch.
Her eyes meet his; and his meet hers.
Lies cannot be told through the soul.
He cannot lie to himself when the deepest part of him knows:
"She's mine."
This poem is Copyright © maynichole
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