Season of Advent
Date: Saturday, 1st December 2012 @ 02:32:40 PM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: Elizabeth_Dandy

Advent time,- Advent is
Waiting for the Prince of Peace,
Hearts glow warm in expectation
Of the Prince that brings salvation
Bells ring softly in the morn,
Advent wreathes homes adorn,
Families together sit
While the Advent candle is lit.

One of four is lit each week,
Twigs of resin’s fragrance reek,
Songs plead for the Prince to come,
To take in human hearts a home.
Cookies sizzle in the oven,
Gold straw stars are deftly woven,
Sixteen straws to every star,
While Stephen tunes up the guitar.
Whispering fir trees rouse their boughs
With twigs bedecked is hall and house,
Full of promise is the air,
The virgin does her baby bear.
Mists and clouds in fleet array,
Rain the Just One down we pray!
To water arid and poor earth
By the blessing of His birth.
Come to us dear Jesus sweet!
And pity our want and need
Without you life is too tough,
Come fill us with your boundless love.
© Elizabeth Dandy
This poem is Copyright © Elizabeth_Dandy
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