Home Today
Date: Friday, 7th September 2012 @ 09:48:06 AM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: Ochonochar
A soldier is coming home today,
From a foreign land, so far away,
His task complete, his duty done,
No more to wear the rising sun,
Someone’s son comes home today,
The boy they raised their special way,
The years of care and all they taught,
Despairingly now counts for nought,
A husband is coming home today,
By her side, no more to lay,
The life she hoped for, come what may,
The flowing tears have washed away,
A father is coming home today,
No more to hold and hug and play,
Small arms reach out as he goes by,
Not knowing why this is goodbye,
A soldier is coming home today,
From a foreign land, so far away,
Our nations flag now wraps his soul,
Another son who’ll not grow old.
This poem is Copyright © Ochonochar
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