Remember on My Chest
Date: Wednesday, 3rd November 2010 @ 07:55:07 PM AEST
Topic: Sad Poetry

Contributed By: Cheshire

Remember on my chest to thank God the life giver
Who pulled me to green pastures from a deadly raging river
So every day I see the sky I'm free and start to shiver
'Cause hell's in the rear-view mirror, today I am delivered

Remember on my chest that life is what I make it
A choice to face the past and live today or try to break it
Surviving death had dad say life is icing on the cake sis
I know where my will leads so I ask God to take it...
And replace it with grace, no straight face
Slow passion is my antidote there a'int no time to race
Or waste with fake taste
Remember to seek the courage to set my own pace

Remember on my chest the hell that I have seen
Those scenes keep my begging for one more day clean
Cause when I'm me it seems that I'm a step from being a fiend
So I hold His hand and trust that one day he'll set me free.

This poem is Copyright © Cheshire

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This poem comes from Your Poetry Dot Com

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