Date: Sunday, 2nd August 2009 @ 03:00:58 PM AEST
Topic: Sad Poetry

Contributed By: LaureLouise

Her breakfast is caffeine and nicotine,
wasteful thoughts and dirty dreams.
They tell her to pull her head from the sky,
but she's getting higher as the days go by.
Left a cigarette burning by her bed,
right next to that book she never read.

She turns off the News 'cause it makes her cry.
She says, "I think the world's gone crazy."
She's got her hands in her hair with that worried stare.
She says, "I swear... It's all getting hazy."

There's a storm moving in. I can see the clouds again,
as they settle behind her eyes.
She's humming along to her favorite song,
"I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry."

God only knows where she goes
as the tears fall down her face.
She's gone again, to somewhere within,
and nobody else gets into that place.

Lost in her own mind, she's deaf and blind
to everything around her.
She's falling apart as the cold wind blows through her heart,
but she doesn't want to be put back together.

She says, "I can't be fixed, I'm just broken."
Her voice quakes as the words are spoken.
She swears there's nothing left, says it would be best,
if she could just fly away.
She wants to take flight into the night
and let the stars light her way.

And so many have tried to help her,
why did I think I could be the one?
I used to wrap my arms around her
when her world would come undone.

But as the hot tears fall forever down her face,
she pushed herself out of my embrace.
She wants to be alone with her misery.
It took me so long to finally see.

She's not looking for love.
She doesn't want somebody to hold her.
She feels undeserving of
What I'm trying to offer.

She says, "This world's so big, and I feel so small."
Then, she screams into her pillow.
She says, "You know, I can't recall...
The last time I didn't feel so hollow."

She's going around in circles
And the feeling is nearly viral.
She says, "I can only hope these circles...
Are spinning on a spiral."

She doesn't care if she going up, or if she's going down.
She just knows that she'll drown
If she stays in one place for too long again.
She can't find her way out, she can't find her way in
And she can't get comfortable in her skin.

But I'll be right here
When the storm clears
And a smile breaks through her sad tears.

As the thunder in her soul
Stops it's ominous roll
And the winds begin to diminish
She'll look at me and say, "Maybe I'm not broken after all
Perhaps I'm just unfinished."

This poem is Copyright © LaureLouise

If you wish to use any poem for any purpose, please either EMAIL Mick from
the sites feedback form, or go to the AUTHOR'S site and EMAIL the author for permission.
If you Email Mick for permission on any poem that is not his personal works,
he will endeavor to contact the author on your behalf.

This poem comes from Your Poetry Dot Com

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